Paris 13e arrondissment
The Fresh Hike!
By Camille
Sat Nov 06, 2021 to Sat Jul 05, 2025
Timezone : Europe/Paris
Metro Corvisart , 75013 Paris, France
The Fresh Hike!

Get a Fresh Look on Paris, come and hike in the 13th arrondissement an area (in the south-east of the city) that is at the crossroads of different aspects of Paris. Here is a sample of what you will discover, see or do  during the hike.

A 19th century village (right there in the middle of Paris)...

which you will find at the top of a mountain  (well a 63m high hill , which for Paris is a mountain!), known as la Butte aux Cailles. Cool Parisians and   students migrate there at the week-ends for the great atmosphere and a cheap drink.

Green parks and lush gardens...

and the loveliest small houses, all created  for the working-class families (long gone today) at the beginning of the last century...


The Little Asia of Paris...

which has a very distinct feel to it, with its shops, surpermakets and restaurants where you can enjoy cuisine from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, China...   Did you know that Paris had the largest Asian community of all European capitals?


Street Art  (almost) everywhere...

dispatched here and there, you will see tags, graffiti and monumental murals by French  and international artists (such as the collective Lézarts de la Bièvre, Seth, Misstic, Jeff Aérosol, Tristan Eaton, Bordalo II, Pantonio....)


Impressive modern architecture...

to be discovered while walking through new quarters of the city. Paris continues to grow offering an opportunity (as it did in the past) for ambitious architcts to show off...  these new pieces of architecture leave no one indifferrent!


Have a drink by the water...

the best way to end the hike... on the banks of the river Seine which are transformed into the Paris beach (Paris Plage) every summer!


Can't wait? Join the hike now!

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Date and place
Sat Nov 06, 2021 to Sat Jul 05, 2025
Timezone : Europe/Paris
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2021-11-06 10:00:00 2025-07-05 16:30:00 Europe/Paris The Fresh Hike! Reservations on : -- Ce à quoi vous attendre...   Vous vous lancez dans un joyeux zigzag! Montez et explorez la Butte aux Cailles, petit village préservé au milieu de la ville. Traversez la rue et hop vous voici dans la petite Asie  de Paris et son ambiance unique!     Que vous passiez entre de hautes tours  futuristes ou les petites maisons du siècle dernier restez à l'affut et vous aurez le plaisir de tomber sur des fresques murales colorées qui égayent le gris de certains murs...   Parcours 8km/2h   Retour au site   Metro Corvisart , 75013 Paris, France Camille