Improv Showcase
Improv Showcase Book
Wed Dec 13, 2017 from 08:30 PM to 10:00 PM
2017-12-13 20:30:00 2017-12-13 22:00:00 Europe/Paris Improv Showcase Reservations on : -- Boy, did they learn a lot this semester. A fresh batch of improvisers is graduating the Swaajp beginner course in English. Come and watch their showcase and behold their talents shine after a thorough ten-week polishing of skills. The following students will be performing:Hilary Dennis,Gudrun Schmidinger,Giovanni Cassani,Andrew Dolphin,Maxim Sterkens,Filipa Ferro,Bernardo Ercoli,Ale Jada,Nicola Nitido. They will be accompanied on stage by their teachers:Tim GheysensandBen VerhoevenfromSwaajp Improtheater. Music: Ingmar Dasseville Lights: Mark Vandael BATS Little Theater, Paardenmarkt, Anvers, Belgique Swaajp Improtheater vzw
Timezone :

Boy, did they learn a lot this semester. A fresh batch of improvisers is graduating the Swaajp beginner course in English. Come and watch their showcase and behold their talents shine after a thorough ten-week polishing of skills. 

The following students will be performing: Hilary Dennis, Gudrun Schmidinger, Giovanni Cassani, Andrew Dolphin, Maxim Sterkens, Filipa Ferro, Bernardo Ercoli, Ale Jada, Nicola Nitido.

They will be accompanied on stage by their teachers: Tim Gheysens and Ben Verhoeven from Swaajp Improtheater.

Music: Ingmar Dasseville
Lights: Mark Vandael

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Swaajp Improtheater vzw
De Pretstraat 75/3, 2060, Antwerpen, Belgique