ISCA 2022 - International Scientific Conference on Albinism
ISCA 2022 - International Scientific Conference on Albinism Online event Registration
Wed Nov 16, 2022 at 02:00 PM to Sat Nov 19, 2022 at 05:00 PM
2022-11-16 14:00:00 2022-11-19 17:00:00 Europe/Paris ISCA 2022 - International Scientific Conference on Albinism Reservations on : -- ISCA is a unique scientific conference organized by the Global Albinism Alliance and shaped to be a global forum to improve the health of those with albinism. It builds on the momentum created by the EDA (European Days of Albinism) conference series, which has been held every two years since 2012. The program will include one main live session per day, a poster session, a session for the layperson, a virtual cocktail session, and more. Numerous presentations are expected, addressing the many different areas of concern in albinism: ophthalmology, dermatology, genetics, cell biology, syndromic forms of albinism, epidemiology, access to health, prevention, low vision interventions, and therapies. Oral presentations, as well as posters, will be selected through a call for abstracts and will enrich the list of invited speakers. Participants of all categories are welcome to attend the Main Sessions. However, please note that these sessions are made up of complex scientific presentations that might not be appropriate for a lay person.  A special session, Latest Albinism Research, has been included for non-scientists. For more information on this, please consult the conference website - Global Albinism Alliance
Timezone : Europe/Paris
ISCA is a unique scientific conference organized by the Global Albinism Alliance and shaped to be a global forum to improve the health of those with albinism. It builds on the momentum created by the EDA (European Days of Albinism) conference series, which has been held every two years since 2012.

The program will include one main live session per day, a poster session, a session for the layperson, a virtual cocktail session, and more. Numerous presentations are expected, addressing the many different areas of concern in albinism: ophthalmology, dermatology, genetics, cell biology, syndromic forms of albinism, epidemiology, access to health, prevention, low vision interventions, and therapies. Oral presentations, as well as posters, will be selected through a call for abstracts and will enrich the list of invited speakers.

Participants of all categories are welcome to attend the Main Sessions. However, please note that these sessions are made up of complex scientific presentations that might not be appropriate for a lay person.  A special session, Latest Albinism Research, has been included for non-scientists. For more information on this, please consult the conference website

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Global Albinism Alliance