Dear Tara retreat participant,
We hope you are well and looking forward to the first Outer Tara Sadhana retreat at Gomde France! Here follow some details about the retreat.
About the Outer Tara sadhana
The sadhana of the Two Accumulations is practiced by all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism and is the first of the sadhanas that participants of Tara's Triple Excellence will practice. The sadhana, endowed with unique blessings and benefits, is a terma hidden by Guru Rinpoche and revealed by the great tertön, Chokgyur Lingpa. It is also said to be the best practice to gather conducive conditions to make a dharma center flourish.
Requirements and schedule
Since this retreat will be very rigorous, we advise that people be cautious about joining the retreat if they have not had experience with sadhanas, recitations and/or long meditation sessions. The schedule of the retreat will be demanding, as the daily sessions begin at 5 a.m. and end at 9 p.m. There will be four sessions every day, each lasting about two hours. In addition, there will be one hour of guiding instructions by Lama Tenzin Sangpo.
We highly recommend that participants attend the entire retreat. If for some reason you cannot join for the entire time, but wish to be part of this retreat, please send an email to to inform us.
This sadhana belongs to the outer tantra class of Kryia and Charya tantra. Therefore, there are certain physical disciplines connected with this practice: specifically, body cleanliness, and abstaining from meat, alcohol, cigarettes, garlic, eggs and onions. The kitchen will prepare all our meals accordingly.
Tara's Triple Excellence participants
We highly recommend that participants of Tara's Triple Excellence online program join this retreat. Even if you have not yet finished the first two Excellences, you are more than welcome to attend. During this retreat you will complete a part of the Third Excellence Part I. It will be difficult to get so deeply into this Outer Tara sadhana on your own, because group practice opens up the dynamic nature of this sadhana, allowing you to experience its profound and unique benefits.
Retreat leader and Teacher
Lama Tenzin Sangpo teaches meditation around the world in Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche’s dharma centers. Before he began his teaching tours, Lama Tenzin was the chant leader and one of the most senior monks in the Ka-Nying monastery in Nepal where he also completed the traditional three-year retreat.
Lama Tenzin's teachings will be translated into English by translator Heidi Köppl.
Accommodation and meals
We will be staying at Gomde France during the time of our retreat. There are several rooms and dormitories at our disposal. The rooms are quite basic, but comfortable and clean. Pillows and blankets will be provided.
We will have three daily meals and an afternoon tea break. A cook will spoil us with simple, delicious vegetarian food. The diet will follow the Kriya tantra instructions, meaning meat, alcohol, eggs, garlic and onions will be avoided. If you have any food allergy or some special needs, please inform us, so we can make the necessary arrangements.
Requirements and Schedule
You are welcome to arrive the night before on 10 July for the registration and for receiving your room. On 11 July, after the breakfast, we will gather in the teaching hall for a welcome talk and an introduction to the place and the retreat program. The lunch will be served around noon, and we will have our first teaching and sadhana sessions with Lama Tenzin in the afternoon.
The retreat will end on 15 July after lunch.
Please note that you can attend the retreat even if you have not received the Outer Tara sadhana empowerment yet.
What to bring?
Towel (showers and hot water are available).
Warm clothes.
Torch or frontal lamp.
Thermos or a bottle if you would like to take some hot water to the room.
For the meditation sessions:
Meditation cushion.
If you have, bring your dorje & bell, and mala.
If you would like to, bring also khatags to offer them on the last day.
The practice texts will be distributed on the first day of the retreat.
The daily schedule will be announced on the first day of the retreat.
Prices and Payment
The fee includes all meals, accommodation and the practicalities of running the seminar. Gomde France is keeping the cost for the retreat very low, because we want to make this retreat affordable for all. If you have already decided to come, register soon as you can enjoy a reduced price until 1 June. After 1 June, the prices will increase by 20%.
Important note: Lama Tenzin and his translator Heidi are paid by your donations only. In addition to the retreat fee, we recommend that each participant offers a donation to Lama Tenzin of 50 eur and to the translator of 30 eur. At the end of the retreat you will have the opportunity to give your donation for the teachings directly to them.
Retreat helpers needed
We urgently need retreat helpers in order for this retreat to run smoothly. We specifically require a cook and a housekeeping assistant. As a helper you will stay free of charge at Gomde during the retreat, and can attend at least one session a day. As Milarepa said, the yogi in retreat and the one serving him will attain enlightenment at the same time. Therefore, please do not underestimate the benefits of helping and supporting those doing sincere and authentic practice. If you would like to be a retreat helper, please contact
Stay updated!
We have a lot of interesting events coming up. If you would like to receive the centre’s latest news, please subscribe to our newsletter by simply sending your email address to Feel also free to visit our website at and our Facebook page at
Financial sustainability of the center
While the center is run by a non-profit organization thanks to the precious help of a few enthusiastic volunteers, it is a precious gem that belongs to all of us. Right now, just after the purchase of the center, we are focusing our efforts on building the meditation hall, organizing more bedrooms before the seminar, enlarging the windows and attending to other building needs, so the house feels as comfortable as possible. But we definitely need your help to achieve this and make Rinpoche's vision come true!
Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could support the development of Gomde by making a donation, or even better, a monthly donation (even small!) by one of the methods listed below. When we all feel a part of Gomde France, it generates a tremendous merit among the sangha. Together we can participate in this joyful effort. Thank you in advance!
> By credit card: (please note that if you are based in the US, the payment via Shedrub Fund is tax deductible)
> By Paypal:
> By bank transfer to Gomde Europe Fonden
Transfer in euros: 6845-9419047 / Iban DK4368450009419047 / Swift: SYBKDK22
Transfer in DKK for Denmark residents: 6845-2149435 / Iban DK6768450002149435 / Swift: SYBKDK22.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime at
Looking forward to meeting you at Gomde France!