Frequently Asked Questions

I did not received my ticket by email

Our ticket widget has a 'lost ticket' link from which you can download your tickets if you have not received them by email. Sometimes buyers think they have paid after receiving an SMS from their bank, but it is an authorization code to enter to validate the payment and not a confirmation of purchase.

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My bank statement indicates LW-BILLETWEB ou CB-BILLETWEB

This wording indicates that you have made a purchase for an event for sale on our platform. In any case, you can keep your peace of mind as we use 3D secure technology (confirmation SMS) which verifies the cardholder's identity when you buy. If you have forgotten what event it is, look for 'Billetweb' in your email box to find the tickets or fill out the form below

Find the event corresponding to my bank debit

What is Billetweb?

Billetweb is an online ticketing tool that allows event organizers to sell their tickets online.
The organizers set up their webshop and follow up their event. We take care of the correct functioning of the solution.

How to buy a ticket?

The organizer distributes the address of its shop or its website to its public (website, social networks, posting, etc.).
If you do not know the address of the online store Cherchez ici It is possible to find a ticket shop by the field 'Find an event' at the top right of this page or via an internet search engine.

I lost my ticket

Our ticket widget has a 'lost ticket' link from which you can send again your order.

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Je veux accéder à mon espace acheteur

Si l'organisateur vous demande d'accéder à votre espace acheteur, vous trouverez un lien 'Gérer ma commande' au bas de votre email de confirmation d'achat. Si vous n'avez plus cet email, vous pouvez le renvoyer en saisissant la référence de la commande ci-dessous

Identifiant de la commande
Il commence par un C et figure à coté du prix sur le billet

I have erroneous email address

By default, our ticketing widget have a 'lost ticket' link? from which you can change the delivery address of the ticket if it is invalid.

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I want to send / share some tickets

From the 'Manage My Order' link at the bottom of your confirmation email you can get an individual share link.

I want to hide the price to offer a ticket as a present

From the link 'Manage my order' at the bottom of your confirmation email you can download a version of the ticket on which the price does not appear.

If the event is canceled

If you have not received any information from the organizer within a reasonable time, please contact the organizer. You will find its coordinates on the sales page or in your confirmation email. The organizer will be able to reimburse you directly or may request a refund via the website. No response from the organizer, contact us to let us know the problem.

We execute the refunds on the bank card used for the purchase subject to having the corresponding funds (part of the receipts may have already been donated to the organizer).
Parfois lorsqu'il existe un choix à réaliser (report par exemple) l'organisateur peut vous demander d'effectuer la demande depuis votre espace acheteur.

Si l'organisateur ne répond pas à vos solicitations, Contact Billetweb.

If the event is not canceled

In ticketing there is no right of withdrawal (article L121-20-4 of the Consumer Code).

In addition to canceling an event or a major change, you can not claim a refund. Organizers therefore process requests according to their own policy. You can contact the organizer from the ticket sales page or via the contact details at the bottom of your confirmation email.

Si vous avez souscrit une assurance annulation lors de l'achat, vous trouverez un lien pour demander votre remboursement dans votre espace acheteur, lui même accessible au bas de l'email de confirmation d'achat (Billet perdu)

Si l'organisateur autorise le remboursement, il déclenche le remboursement depuis son interface Billetweb. Vous recevrez alors un email vous informant du remboursement directement sur votre carte bancaire.

J'ai recu une confirmation de remboursement de Billetweb mais rien n'apparait sur mon compte

Notez que les remboursements fonctionnent même sur une carte renouvellée ou une carte virtuelle. Notez également qu'une carte à débit différé nécéssite d'attendre la fin de la période (mois par exemple) afin d'avoir le crédit. Notez également que parfois les banques recevant le crédit le diffère de plusieurs jours/semaines dans les relevés bancaires, il convient d'analyser tout l'historique et pas juste la date supposée de remboursement.

J'ai été débité deux fois

Les cas de double débit sont très rares (1 pour 10000). Pour nous permettre de les investiguer remplissez le formulaire suivant :

How do I get an invoice?

You can get an invoice from the 'Manage my order' link at the bottom of your confirmation email.

J'ai perdu ma confirmation d'achat

I have a question about the event or related my order

Billetweb is a tool available to the organizers. All questions concerning the event or your order should be addressed to the organizer whose contact details can be found on his shop or in your confirmation email.

Cela inclut :
- les questions relatives à l'événement en lui même
- les questions relatives aux tarifs, dates de mise en vente, disponibilité des places
- les demandes de changement de nom, annulation, remboursement, etc

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Still have not found an answer?

the event was not held in the advertised conditions and the organizer does not answer you : Contact Billetweb

an event seems suspicious : Contact Billetweb

If your request concerns another case : Contact the organizer